Life Assistant for the Senior Citizen 樂齡生活助手-輔助銀髮族無障礙的生活的智能眼鏡

隊伍 Team:臨極玩家 Extreme Player

學校 University:大同大學 Tatung University

指導教授 Advisor:張伯廷 Bo Ting Chang

學生 Student:林璟芸 Jing-Yun Lin、呂鈺婷 Yu-Ting Lu

作品連結 Link: GitHub

Team Introduction

We are junior students from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tatung University. The guiding professor is Jhang Bo Ting, and the team members are Lin Jing-Yun and Lu Yu-Ting. We are very interested in the field of AIOT. We hope that through this Contest, we can apply what we have learned and contribute to society.


Project Introduction

This work smart glasses device utilizes features of WE-I Plus, such as low-power and always-on, integrating with AIoT and AR-like functions to help the elderly or dementia elderly live independently. This work aims to reduce dangers that may be encountered by the elderly or dementia elderly and to reduce psychological pressure and burden of the caregivers.

本作品主要是利用WE-I Plus的低功耗全時智能特性,結合AIoT及類AR的功能,設計一款智慧眼鏡裝置,來幫助銀髮族或失智老人自主生活,降低可能遇到的一些障礙或危險,同時減少照護者們的心理壓力和負擔。作品規劃四個主要功能:1) 透過WE-I Plus所提供的AI人臉辨識,提供相關訊息讓年老或失智者能識得眼前的親友;2) 結合手機APP讓家人和照顧者可以在設定的時間,將提醒事項經由雲端傳送到WE-I Plus 裝置後投影在眼鏡上;3) 利用WE-I Plus內建的三軸加速感測器偵測,當使用者跌倒時,自動發送警示訊息到家人和照顧者的手機APP或LINE群組;4) 語音識別啟動照相功能。