2024 Synopsys ASIP Designer Contest

Contest Overview: 

The Synopsys ASIP Designer Contest aims to foster innovation and hands-on learning among students in the fields of AI, RISC-V, and custom processor design. This year's contest focuses on using AI models from MLPerf to benchmark students' work, showcasing their ability to leverage Synopsys ASIP Designer for RISC-V and AI accelerator design. Participants will apply their skills in developing custom processors optimized for AI workloads, benchmarking their designs against industry standards.

| Host:  Synopsys


  • Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI)
  • RISC-V Technology and Innovation Applied Teaching Materials Development Program, Ministry of Education

| Contest Theme:

Creating extended instructions on the RISC-V CPU through ASIP Designer to accelerate AI models of the MLPerf TinyML benchmark. 

| Objectives:

  • Help academic users leverage ASIP Designer in creating application-specific instruction set processors (ASIPs) for RISC-V and  AI accelerators.
  • Provide a platform for academic users to demonstrate their knowledge in AI, processor architecture, and hardware-software co-design. 
  • Connect academic users with industry standards and emerging trends in AI and processor design.

| Eligibility:

  • The contest is open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in an engineering, computer science, or related program at an accredited university in Taiwan. 
  • The contestants should form a team to sign up for the contest. The team should consist of at least 1 student and a maximum of 3 students.


| Contest Phases:

Registration and Preparation

  • Participants must register for the contest. The team leader should submit the registration on behalf of all team members.
  • Participants should self-study the resources provided by Synopsys as identified in below section “Recourses Provided”.
  • Participants need to follow the instructions identified in the section “Resources Provided” to apply for access to Synopsys ASIP Designer and license setup.

Phase I – Contest Submission

  • The contest topic will be released on Sept. 27 at the end of the training workshop.
  • During this phase, participants will design their RISC-V processor, optimizing it for the selected AI workloads from MLPerf TinyML benchmark (https://github.com/mlcommons/tiny).
  • Participants must document their design process, including challenges, innovations, and design decisions.

Phase II – Final Contest, Presentation and Announcement of Winners

  • Top 8~10 teams will be selected as finalists into Phase II and present their works to a panel of judges, including experts from Synopsys, academia, and the semiconductor industry.


| Judging Criteria:

Phase I – Contest Submission:

  • Performance of their RISC-V processors on AI models of the MLPerf TinyML benchmark: cycle count, instruction count, and correctness of AI models’ output.
  • When passing golden test, the cycle count takes 80% and instruction count takes 20% of the entire score. Otherwise, the result won’t be considered.

Phase II – Final Contest (Contest Team Presentation):

  • Benchmarking Results: Consider gate count and PPA after synthesizing the submitted RISC-V processor and other performance metrics obtained in Phase I.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Originality of the design and approach to solving the problem.
  • Technical Competence: Depth of understanding and application of RISC-V processor, and Synopsys ASIP Designer.
  • Presentation: Clarity, organization, and ability to communicate the project effectively.
  • Documentation: Quality and thoroughness of the design documentation and final presentation.


| Prizes:

Prizes are sponsored by Synopsys. Certification will be rewarded by Synopsys, TSRI and RISC-V Technology and Innovation Applied Teaching Materials Development Program of the Ministry of Education.

  • First Place: NT$50,000 and a Certification.
  • Second Place: NT$30,000 and a Certification.
  • Third Place: NT$15,000 and a Certification.
  • Honorable Mentions: NT$8,000 and a Certification.

Winning teams will be invited to Synopsys AIoT Summit to receive the awards.


| Timeline:

  • Registration Deadline: Sept. 27, 2024
  • Training Workshop (hybrid) & Announcement of Contest Topic: Sept. 27, 2024
  • Contest Submission Deadline: Nov. 3, 2024
  • Contest Review Deadline: Nov. 8, 2024
  • Final Contest, Presentation and Announcement of Winners: Nov. 14, 2024
  • Award Ceremony at Synopsys AIoT Summit: Nov. 19, 2024


| Resources Provided:

  • Access to Synopsys ASIP Designer software through TSRI. Please follow the application flow to get the license accessing grant (https://www.tsri.org.tw/tw/commonPage.jsp?kindId=D0009) and download the ASIP Designer (https://etas.tsri.narl.org.tw/eda/edaCustomer/SoftwareInfoByVendor), Select "Synopsys -> ASIP Designer".
  • Online tutorials and self-learning resources are provided by Synopsys (Please download via 【File Download】on this website).
  • Training Workshop (hybrid) on ASIP Designer on Sept. 27. Details will be announced later to the registrants.
  • Support from contest experts through forums and Q&A sessions on Slack. You will receive a Slack invitation link after registration for the Contest.
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Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI)

RISC-V Technology and Innovation Applied Teaching Materials Development Program, Ministry of Education