AI Shopping Cart AI智能購物車

隊伍 Team:購物大師 Shopping Master

學校 University:大同大學 Tatung University

指導教授 Advisor:張伯廷 Po-Ting Chang

學生 Student:王亮潛 WANG, LIANG-CHIEN、陳品燁 Pin-Yeh Chen、孫德旭 Der-Shiu Sun

作品連結 Link: GitHub

Team Introduction

We are three third-year students from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tatung University. We are very interested in the field of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. It is expected that in the future of the rapid development of the AI ​​industry, artificial intelligence will be more integrated into our life or work including entertainment and medical treatment, so we hope to study more and enhance our learning through this competition opportunity.


Project Introduction

This work uses the ARC EM9D AIoT development board plus a power-saving electronic paper screen to design a smart shopping cart with the functions of the artificial intelligence Internet of Things. And, also adding cloud APP to improve the shopping experience. So, the main functions of the system include the AI face and object recognition through the ARC EM9D AIoT development board, and then synchronously displayed on the electronic paper screen which is also associated with the cloud and mobile APP functions to assist shopping.

本作品利用ARC EM9D AIoT 開發板加上省電的電子紙螢幕,將購物車結合人工智慧物聯網與雲端APP的功能,讓實體賣場購物智慧化並提高購物效率,同時希望藉由減少人員接觸方式達到防疫及節省廠商的人力及時間成本。系統主要功能包含透過ARC EM9D AIoT 開發板進行AI人臉及物品辨識,然後同步顯示在電子紙螢幕,並搭配雲端及手機APP輔助購物。